September 17, 20



At least once a week, we look at each other and laugh because of how far we’ve come in such a short period of time. It’s pretty bizarre to think that we’ve gone from delivering pizza, working on cruise ships, and cooking deodorants in our tiny kitchens— to running a brand we’ve been dreaming up for years — and loving (almost) every minute. 

We’re still not sure what’s crazier — that we successfully launched a natural deodorant during a global pandemic…or that said deodorant was just featured in the October issue of Harper’s Bazaar — as “The Best Deodorant.” 

But since it’s 2020, is anything really that “crazy”? 

The wild ride that is 2020 

This year, we went from auditioning and preparing for roles in new shows — to not leaving our flats, struggling to use spreadsheets (the horror!) and running/launching a startup seemingly overnight. Whilst each day has brought a wide range of challenges and surprises (some fun, others not so much) — this week’s surprise was too exciting not to share. 

Now that the words are “officially” in print, and we’ve seen physical proof of this news (we might not have believed it otherwise)—we’ve just won a massively exciting award in this month’s issue of Harper’s Bazaar. Their annual “Best of the Best in Beauty” awards issue features their top picks across skincare, hair and makeup — and AKT has officially nabbed the title of “Best Deodorant”! So you could say we’re *kind of* freaking out. 

The “Best of the Best” according to Harper’s Bazaar (it’s kind of a big deal)

Considered to be their most comprehensive round-up of the year’s “greatest hits” in the beauty space, the Harper’s Bazaar “Best Deodorant” award places us smack dab in the middle of a page filled with an inspiring range of “indulgent products that are as kind to you as they are to your world.” 

As you may already know, we’re proudly plastic free, and have been hugely passionate about minimizing our impact on the environment from day 1. From not using tape on our boxes, to selecting aluminium tubes and caps that are forever recyclable (it’s much harder than it sounds)—we’re committed to making a product that’s better for people and the planet, without making compromises for either. 

According to Harper’s Bazaar editors, “The long search for a natural deodorant that does what it says on the tin is over” — and we’re thrilled that we’ve made the cut! 

In good company

Whilst winning “Best Deodorant” from Harper’s Bazaar can’t get much better, the fact that we’re in such incredible company with the likes of Le Labo & The Laundress, Aesop, Nut & Noggin, and Liha — makes us that much prouder of our strong commitment to sustainability. 

We may have screamed (internally of course, we’d never yell in a coffee shop in public. Nope not us) when we saw our beautiful tube right next to products from brands that we’ve admired for years, and we can’t wait to try some products from our “new friends” who were also featured. 

We’ll be anxiously awaiting the re-stock of Liha’s exfoliating and refreshing “morning essentials” set. And how amazing does Nut & Noggin’s sulphate/plastic free shampoo bar sound? 

When is payday again? 

Wrap it up 

We’re hearing that annoying wrap-up music they play during the really long awards show speeches, so we better wrap it up. 

Whether you’re new to the cast, or have been with us from the beginning, we’re so lucky to have you here on this journey with us. 

As you may or may not realize, #startuplife hasn't been all glitz and glamour, so seeing our hard work pay off in the form of an incredibly humbling and exciting award in Harper's Bazaar has been a huge honor — and it really is in part due to our incredible AKT community. 

From those of you who tested countless (not so great) early formulas to those of you who dealt with our *many* feelings from stress to fear to “wtf have we done!?”…we’d like to thank you for supporting our baby brand and helping us show up in places like Harper’s Bazaar.

And before we get kicked off the stage...the issue is on newsstands now. So go pick up an issue, flip to page 204 and take a bow - we owe so much of our success to our incredible, supportive and amazing AKT customers. 


Written by AKT London